A Place to Play

Every day, people around the globe caput to the same place to meet friends, test their mettle, and accept fun. And it's a place that doesn't even exist.

World of Warcraft's virtual realm boasts more people than Sweden. It earns $2 billion annually in subscriptions, outperforming many small-scale nations. And this extraordinarily compelling, popular, profitable world is entirely a creation of software code.

Bear upon

The World that Conquered World

The landscape of World of Warcraft (WoW) may exist virtual, but its impact is real.

The game helped transform the way nosotros accept fun...besides as the business of fun, influencing a computer game manufacture that earns more than than $16 billion annually in the U.s..

Offering rich imagery, engrossing experiences, and social connections, WoW raised the bar for gaming, edifice a universe of loyal fans—and imitators.

Who'due south Playing?

Teenage boys binging on pizza and cola: that's the gamer stereotype. But the epitome is outdated, thanks partly to World of Warcraft (WoW).

WoW'southward riveting visuals and social interaction helped broaden gaming'southward appeal. As of 2011, almost 45 percentage of all players are female, and the boilerplate age is 37.

Virtual Becomes Real

Multiplayer games created online communities, which and so became real-world communities.

World of Warcraft'south (WoW) unprecedented popularity and interaction revolutionized the way players relate to each other. Conventions, similar BlizzCon, and gatherings of people who share a WoW"Gild," besides equally individual friendships (and romances), defy the stereotype of awkward loners.

Non Merely Fun and Games

"All work and no play" supposedly makes one dull. But what about all play and no work? Reports of gaming addiction fuel both fear-mongering hype...and legitimate worries.

"Gilt farming," in which people (typically in developing countries) play for long hours to collect and sell virtual currency and loftier-level characters, raises concerns about exploitation.

Applied science

Hardware and Software: The Power to Play

Globe of Warcraft may be a virtual realm, but the hardware and software it depends on is very existent.

Sustaining the complex world of Azeroth, with its cavalcade of Goblins, Orcs, and Draenei, requires real-fourth dimension coordination between local and remote systems. This complex interaction of software and hardware demands fast processors and video cards, as well equally high speed Net access.

The Correct Game at The Right Time

Why did Globe of Warcraft (WoW) triumph? Considering it was fun.

Its fantasy landscape was beautiful and its "quests" complex. WoWwas elementary enough for beginners, notwithstanding allow sophisticated users customize their experience. Plus, it debuted as prices were falling for powerful video cards and fast processors.

What'southward Where?

That Orc assail seems to exist on your calculator. But World of Warcraft is actually choreographing a complex global ballet of hardware, software, and far-flung users.

Remote servers supply settings, game rules, non-player characters, and more. Each gamer's calculator, meanwhile, processes the visual, audio, and player information—so the game looks different to each player.


Like making a Hollywood motion picture, creating Globe of Warcraft is a collaborative endeavor.

Directors, producers, artists, writers, lighting consultants, composers, and others rely on a toolbox of animation, graphics, storyboard, music, and other software to bring the game and characters from their brains to our screens.


Onetime Game, New Medium

Globe of Warcraft is a brilliant case of inventive re-apply.

The online game that debuted in 2004 evolved from Blizzard Entertainment'southward Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, introduced a decade earlier every bit a single or dual thespian game for a standalone PC. The company adapted its successful Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos game engine to fit the online environment, bringing a proven product to a new medium and a global audition.

A Growing Customs

Solitaire has its charms. But from the earliest days of calculating, people have wanted to play with others.

Early games such equally Maze War and Empire let users collaborate with people on their network. But not until the 1980s did games begin to bridge multiple networks, offering broader interaction.

Once Upon a Time...

World of Warcraft (WoW) tapped into a venerable tradition of fantasy computer and board games, many inspired by the Orc-infested lands in Tolkien'southward Lord of the Rings.

Dungeons and Dragons, text-based computer games such equally Oubliette and Adventure, and graphical games such every bit Ultima all paved the way for WoW.