
Download Failed Virus detected message in Chrome on Windows 10/11

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If you lot have noticed a Download Failed – Virus detected message in Google Chrome browser on Windows eleven or Windows ten when yous tried to download a file from the internet using, then y'all need to know that it is your antivirus or your Chrome browser trying to protect your system from a potentially malicious download.

virus detected dowload failed

In the duplicitous earth of the internet, anti-virus software plays a pivotal role in curbing the organization from software viruses. While we are recognizant of the potential threats from malicious programs, the anti-virus safeguards your system from security threats. The anti-virus tool impedes the user from downloading the untrusted software. With the high rise in cybercrime, It'south always a expert do to have antivirus software installed and proceed it up to date.

While the antivirus program does the tremendous task of alerting you to the malicious file contained in the software you wish to download, yous may sometimes receive a false positive. By false positive we mean, the tool may wrongly indicate the presence of malware in a software programme. Although you believe in the authenticity of the site from where y'all wish to download, the browser prevents you from downloading the file past sending you an alert message about malware and antiviruses. In this scenario, it's actually the antivirus software that is preventing you lot from downloading the file, and its naught to practice with the browser.

Download Failed – Virus detected in Chrome

If you are a Google Chrome user, the user is warned with the message " Failed – Virus detected ". If the browser is Microsoft Border, and so yous may be warned with the message "File contained a virus and was deleted" and if you are on Windows Taskbar information technology but displays the message "Malware detected".

If you lot are quite certain well-nigh the authenticity of the source from where yous are downloading the file, then yous may want to temporarily disable your security software or possibly fix an exception in your antivirus software. In Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Defender is the built-in protection from malware that removes viruses and other unwanted files. The security programs sometimes block the file download on the Windows machines to protect from the security breach. You can resume the file download with some tweaks in Windows Defender.

If you lot can identify the file name and know for sure that the file is safe, then the post-obit steps volition guide you in calculation an Exception in the Windows Defender software.

Y'all should do this only if yous are very sure that the file being downloaded is safe and from a trusted source.

Open Windows Defender Security Center and click on the Virus & threat protection shield. Scroll down a bit and click on Scan history. The following window will open up.

Download Failed - Virus detected

If yous see a file in the Quarantined threats department, place and add the file that you lot but downloaded to the list of exclusions, past selecting Let item. Once you do this, yous will run across the file nether Allowed threats.

Some other possibility is that the Windows Attachment Managing director has already removed the file that you tried to download. Bank check your Windows Internet Options settings for download preferences.

Now attempt to download the file once more.

Disable Chrome Safe Browsing temporarily

There is another thing you can do.

chrome virus protection

Launch Chrome and open chrome://settings/security page.

Here you may disable Chrome Rubber Browsing temporarily and run across. Select No protection non recommended).

Now attempt to download the file over again.

This post offers additional suggestions to prepare File Download Errors on the Google Chrome browser.

If you are still having a problem with downloading the file, and so yous may exist using some other antivirus software that may be blocking the download. You may then take to whitelist the file in that software too.

Download Failed - Virus detected in Chrome

Pavithra is a Windows enthusiast, who loves keeping beside with the latest in the globe of technology.


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