
See who's interested in your Instagram photography with IG Stats on Windows Phone

IG Stats

Much like Twitter, Instagram utilises its own following arrangement where you lot tin can stalk others on the social network and other users can return the favour. But what most those who unfollow you? IG Stats for Windows Phone enables you to remain on tiptop of just how many people you're post-obit, forth with how many are enjoying what you publish. Think UnfollowSpy, but for Instagram.

Whether you lot're interested in the above, or simply wish to bank check what your electric current follower to following ratio is, IG Stats is a groovy app to have installed if yous're a major fan of the photography focused social network. The app first boots up with the cool loading screen, only then to present you lot with the option to connect your Instagram business relationship (which is required to continue and brand most of the features available).

A splash screen is and then displayed with some handy tips to get your started - giving this information a quick gander will set you lot on your way. Once you're done with checking out exactly what all the elements mean (fear non every bit y'all can grab this screen once more in the settings expanse, hit "help"), the dashboard will then be rendered on-screen.

IG Stats App

This is an interesting have on the Mod UI in Windows Telephone. The number of followers lost and gained are listed among total number of followers and folk you're following. The ratio counter is displayed at the superlative. Y'all can slide left and right, or hit the icons at the top to load individual sections inside the app.

The following and follower pages both have filters to permit you see who you lot're post-obit that don't return the favour and vice versa. While this bones functionality is enough already, there's also the pick to use Live Tiles and toast notifications to exist alerted when you proceeds or lose followers. IG Stats may display different data to Instagram itself, which is reportedly downward to the service having issues (the app is stated to be more authentic).

In that location are a handful of in-app purchases available:

  • Convenience Pack ($0.99) - removes all popup and imprint advertising
  • Feature Pack ($0.99) - Live Tile, notifications, private account support and multi-select users
  • Super Pack ($one.99) - Both of the above packs with 25% off

You lot tin download IG Stats from the Windows Telephone Store for free (Windows Phone 8 just).

QR: IG Stats


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