How Much Money Do You Need to Immigrate to Canada?

Last updated: 2021/09/01

When it comes to immigration costs, Canada is still adequately affordable compared to other popular immigration destinations such as Australia, the UK, and the USA. A family of iv immigrating to Canada is looking at paying approximately CAD $11, 000 less than a family of four immigrating to Australia. That's a meaning amount saved!

Immigrating to a new country is an intricate and lengthy procedure that comes with a hefty cost tag just the upshot is surely worth it: a make new life filled with better opportunities and a promising future for you and your loved ones.

The amount of money you need to emigrate to Canada depends on the size of your family, and the type of immigration programme you apply for. It further involves settlement funds, visa processing fees, the collection of required documents and even bringing your pet over.

Have a look below for a breakup of Canada's immigration fees and how much money yous actually need to emigrate to Canada with your spouse or family.


How Much Money Do You Demand to Immigrate to Canada?

If you're thinking about moving away, yous should first to save save salve. If you don't already have a chore lined up in Canada, yous'll need an adequate amount of savings to get you through the first iii months while y'all settle into your new life.

As presently equally yous arrive in Canada, you'll need to pay for basic necessities similar groceries, rent, transportation, and utilities. (Once you lot get a gustatory modality for Poutine, it'll exist your new weekly care for.)

To ensure that you lot don't run out of money before y'all've received your first paycheck, the Canadian government requires that all permanent resident applicants have an adequate amount of savings as indicated in the infographic higher up.

IRCC Settlement Funds for Canadian Immigrants

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) created the Express Entry system which is the most popular immigration pathway to Canada for skilled foreign workers and their close family members. The IRCC settlement funds change every year. In 2021, a single applicant without a spouse or mutual-law partner and whatever dependent children must have a minimum of CAD $13, 213 in savings to authorize for permanent residency.

A couple who are immigrating to Canada must accept a combined sum of CAD $16, 449 in settlement funds. Basically, you must add together an additional CAD $3, 560in savings for every additional dependant family member fifty-fifty if they don't move to Canada with you.


Of import

It'south important to annotation that the number of family members includes both accompanying and non-accompanying dependents. That means fifty-fifty if your spouse or children don't immigrate to Canada with you, your savings must yet reflect their share.

Express Entry Processing Fees

There is no cost to creating an Express Entry profile. It'southward only when you receive an ITA and submit a consummate awarding that yous'll need to pay an $825 visa processing fee. This fee includes your spouse or common-law partner. However, you'll need to pay an additional $225 per dependent child accompanying yous to Canada.

Processing Fees and Settlement Funds for PNP Candidates

Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs) are immigration pathways designed and managed by the 11 participating provincial and territorial governments. Candidates apply to a PNP in hopes of achieving a nomination that significantly increases their chances of immigrating to Canada.

Provincial application or processing fees are adamant by each province and territory. They are added on superlative of the federal immigration fees that successful provincial nominees pay to apply for permanent residence.


(Source: CIC News)

Toronto CN Tower

Initially, you must run into the settlement funds of the PNP to qualify for a nomination. The settlement funds required may vary from province to province and are dependent on the cost of living for that region. Nevertheless, as soon as you have achieved a nomination, you need to meet the IRCC (see above) settlement funds which are just slightly unlike from the PNPs.

Have a look at the settlement funds for the provinces of Saskatchewan and Ontario beneath.

Saskatchewan PNP Settlement Funds
Number of Persons in Household Minimum Funds Required (CAD)
One Person $12, 669
Two People $15, 772
Three People $19, 390
Four People $23, 542
Five People $26, 701
Six People $xxx, 114
7 People or More than $33, 528
Ontario PNP Settlement Funds
Number of Persons in Household Minimum Funds Required (CAD)
Ane Person $12, 164
Two People $15, 143
Three People $eighteen, 617
Four People $22, 603
Five People $25, 636
Half-dozen People $28, 913
Seven People or More $32, 191

Right of Permanent Residence Visa Fee

Canadian passport

Your correct of permanent resident fee costs $500 per developed applicant. The fee tin can exist paid at the same fourth dimension as your application fees to help reduce delays during processing. If your application is not approved, you will be refunded. However, when y'all pay the fees and your application is successful, it ways you are officially a Canadian permanent resident. Hooray!

Temporary Visas and Immigration Documents Costs

If yous want to get a feel for life in the Bully Northward first before taking the jump, so you'll want to use for a temporary visa, like a company visa or a work permit. The great thing about having Canadian work experience and/or a Canadian qualification is that it significantly increases your chances of immigration success. If you lot are ready to commit to life in this incredible state, you'll demand to collect a few documents needed for your immigration application such equally linguistic communication examination results and a medical examination.

Temporary Visas and Immigration Documents Costs
Visa Type or Clearing Documents Costs in CAD
Study Allow $150
Permanent Resident Federal Fee $1, 325
Piece of work Permit $155
Visitor Visa $100
Visitor Visa (Family) $500
Working Holiday Visa $153
IELTS (English) Language Exam $319
TEF (French) Language Test $440
Medical Examination $100 - $500
Police force Clearance $twenty on average
Didactics Verification $160 for a form-by-course evaluation and $100 for a certificate-by-document evaluation.

Immigration Bureau Costs

Choosing to apply with an clearing bureau like CanadianVisa.Org makes the process a lot easier, faster, and most chiefly - successful. For an additional fee, yous'll get to sit back and relax knowing your immigration application is in the professional person and trusted easily of our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs). You'll receive personalized guidance and communication throughout the entire process and all your paperwork volition be managed by us.

See beneath for a breakup of the services y'all'll be paying for:

Applying with

Step 1: Eligibility Consultation with Consultants

During this step, we check that you are non inadmissible to immigrate to Canada. This ways you must meet the minimum requirements to immigrate to Canada, including, have good health, a clean criminal record and exist of qualifying age.

Pace two: Clearing Program Evaluation By an RCIC

During this footstep, you are required to complete an in-depth online questionnaire which will be evaluated by one of our professional Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs). The RCIC will analyze which of the more 100 immigration and visa programs you qualify for to immigrate to Canada, and in which province offers the virtually opportunities for y'all.

Footstep 3: Document Verification & Application Submission

If you lot decide to move forward with your clearing application, you'll be given a retainer agreement to sign. This allows our immigration specialists to handle your paperwork on your behalf. This includes collecting your documents, liaising with the Canadian government or your employer on your behalf, optimizing your final application, and submitting it to the IRCC.

Step four: Receive Your Awarding Results

The RCIC will let you lot know the status of your immigration awarding as soon equally it has been revealed!

Ready to embark on this exciting life-changing journey with professionals guiding your fashion? All you accept to do is complete our application form to receive your eligibility assessment today. Information technology'due south just that simple.